CGRF(Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum):Consumers Rights and Responsibilities and Grievance Redressal Mechanisms
Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited, in response to Regulations made by the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers under Section 181, sub-section (2) (r) & (s) read with sub-section (5) to (8) of Section 42 of Electricity Act 2003 has constituted a Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum (CGRF) vide orders dated 21/06/2005.Consumers of HPSEB Limited can file any Grievance which includes any complaint, relating to fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in the quality and manner of performance to be performed by the Licensee, i.e. Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited in pursuance of License, Contract, agreement or under Electricity Supply Code or in relation to Distribution Performance standards of the Licensee, as specified by the Commission, and includes billing disputes of any nature and matters related to safety of the Distribution System having potential of endangering life or property.The (CGRF) is located at Block No. 8, Top Floor, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla-171009 The detailed procedure for filing the Complaint at CGRF is available in the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) Regulations, 2013 and subsequent amendments available at http://hperc.org/?page_id=172 . The Consumers, aggrieved in any manner specified above can file their complaints either in person or by post in a manner as specified in the Regulations or through email at crgrf@hpseb.in